I've got tonz of flowers sprouting in my house and I'm so excited to get to maybe finally fill up my flower beds they have been waiting five years now for some new members. The snow is almost gone and it's so fun to be able to go out and play, Mack and Dylan just love being outside. Josh fixed up my Grandma Doney's old bike and it looks great. I have a bike trailer for the kids and they both love going for rides so that has been very nice. Some not so good news Mack is covered in a rash, it's either Rosella or she's allergic to Ammoxacillin, but it doesn't seem to be bothering her too bad. She almost has her first teeth coming threw, it looks like she'll get two at a time just like Dylan did. I bought her these cute sunglasses and she loves wearing them. I hope everyone is having a great St. Patty's day!